Christmas Recipes

Here are some Christmas Recipes from around the world for you to try.
Click the flag to see that country's food. The recipes will open in a new window so you can print them easily.
If you have any favorite Christmas Recipes you would like to add to the site, please contact me.
The Netherlands
New Zealand
South Africa
- Historical Christmas Recipes!
Stollen: Stollen is a fruited yeast bread made in many parts of Germany. At Christmas time it is decorated with colorful candied fruits for the occasion.
The Netherlands
Christmas Tree Cookies / Pepernoot: These rich and decorative cookies are made to hang on the Christmas tree. They are coated with colored coffee sugar crystals or iced and decorated with silver balls or sugar strands.
Kerstkrans (Dutch Christmas Ring): This is an attractive cake for the Christmas table, especially when a candle is put in the center of the ring with some sprigs of holly and fir.
Panettone: This is a sweet yeast cake that is a traditional part of Christmas in Italy, but it is served with coffee and for breakfast throughout the year in many regions. Panettone keeps well in an airtight container and can be reheated whole. (and I really like it spread with butter and jam!)
Akoho sy voanio - Chicken with Coconut and Rice: Chicken cooked in Coconut Milk, with some ginger and garlic
Akoho misy Sakamalao - Chicken with Garlic and Ginger: If you like a lot of garlic and giner, you'll love this traditional Madagascan recipe!
New Zealand
Pavlova: This is a light pudding that can be eaten with fruit, cream or anything you like!
Hole Cake: This is a flat rye bread with a hole cut in the center, which will fit over the wooden rod in the center of the Scandinavian bread boards made for ring crisp breads.
South Africa
Malva Pudding / Lekker Pudding: A yummy Christmas Dessert that's traditional in South Africa.
Christmas Cake: This is the Christmas Cake that we use in my house ever year! It's not quite so heavy as some Christmas Cakes.
Christmas Pudding: A traditional Christmas Pudding Recipe. I like Ice Cream with my Christmas Pudding!
Mince Pies: These are nice hot or cold. A good traditional UK Christmas treat!
Tunis Cake: An alternative Christmas cake with a Madeira/Sponge base and covered in Chocolate!
Mincemeat: If you want to make your own or can't buy it in a jar!
Wassail: This is for adults! Good to warm you up on a cold winters night!
Shortbread: One of my favorites, yummy shortbread! Nice to have with a cup of tea or coffee.
Historical Christmas Recipes - try them at your own risk!
These are very old recipes and I take no responsibility for how they taste!
Two old Frumenty Recipes: The original 'Christmas Pudding'.
Plumm Pottage from 1707: The next step in a 'Christmas Pudding'.
Victorian Mince Pies: Made with real meat!
A Bowl of Snow: A pudding from 1594!